Contact information:

Billing address

Choose a pricing option:

  • Preferred option12 installments of $450 (+8% of new revenue collected each month, charged separately)
  • Preferred optionPAY IN FULL - $4,950 (+8% of new revenue each mo) (One free month!)
  • Preferred optionNo Revenue Share: $1,000/mo for 12 total installments
  • Preferred optionNo Revenue Share: $11,000 Pay In Full (one free month!)

Payment information:

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

100% safe & secure

From here forward, the participant / purchaser will be referred to as "the client" and Pinegate Road LLC., / Kelsey
Kerslake will be referred to as "the program"
This program will provide the client with the following for the 12 months of enrollment:
— 12 month access to the Aligned Business Framework in Teachable
— 12 month access to the Aligned Business Academy Facebook Community, with support from Kelsey and Team Pinegate Road
— Quarterly virtual retreats (recording available if the participant can not make this live)
— Every other week checkin with an Aligned Business® Coach via text or email
— Access to weekly group coaching calls with Kelsey and or Team Pinegate (for the 12 months of the program)
— Proprietary visioning homework
– 60min session to create your Aligned Business® Plan
– Private Facebook community access with other students

The client understands that Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake is not an agent, publicist, accountant,
financial planner, lawyer, therapist, or any other licensed or registered professional. During our time
together, we will discuss goals, specific projects, and general conditions in the client's life — professional or
personal. Our work together will include strategizing, prioritizing, teaching, creating action plans, brainstorming,
etc. All information shared by the client or Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake will be kept
— Please be on time to all appointments. If you will be late, notify Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake at
least 24h in advance. Appointments missed without 24 hours notice will be rescheduled at the discretion of
Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake, and are not guaranteed.
— Make a commitment to the plans we set, and what you have agreed to do to make them happen.
— This program will begin upon the first payment. The participant will have access to the program for 12 months.
This agreement will automatically terminate at the end of the time line. Client understands that there is no
program or relationship between the client and the program after the time line and the program ends.
Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake is committed to providing all participants in the program a positive
experience. Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake may terminate this agreement at Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey
Kerslake's sole discretion is the client becomes disruptive or upon violation of the agreement. No refunds will
be issued.

Made by Thrivecart. If payment can not be fulfilled, enrollment in the program will be discontinued until payment can be made successfully. Participant is still obligated for the full program fees and 12 monthly installments.
8% of new revenue collected while working together will be charged separately each month based on your reporting. You must report the new revenue collected each month by the 7th of each month. The charge will be made manually during the second week of the month. This will extend through the 12 months of this agreement, but not afterwards unless the participant enters a new agreement with Pinegate Road, LLC.

The client is responsible for full payment for the entire program, regardless of whether the client completes the
program. No refunds will be issued.

Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake will be on the zoom call at the scheduled time of the appointment.
Scheduling for these meetings will be done via the Facebook community. Calls can be rescheduled with the sole discretion of Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake.

This agreement is considered a mutual non-disclosure agreement. Both parties agree not to disclose, reveal, or
make use of any information learned by either party during discussions.
This goes for program materials as well. Material given to the client during the program is copyrighted and the
original materials and in ownership of Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake. The client is not authorized to use
any of Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake intellectual property for the client's own business purposes. This
applies to the source files, and the copy. Ideating and using what is worked on together during the program to
grow the client's business, based on the coaching and action plans created during the program is allowable.
This is an educational program, and by working through it, we will be providing examples and setting you up to
work through similar processes within your business, if your vision and goals match. Sole discretion on what is
allowable is set by Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake on a case-by-case application.

Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake, its affiliated, and its
respective officers, agents, employees, and other independent contractors from any and all claims, demands,
losses, causes of action, damage, lawsuits, judgements, including attorney's fees and costs, arising out of or
relating to the client's participation or actions under this agreement. Client agrees to defend against any and
all claims, demands, causes of action, lawsuits, and / or judgements arising out of or relating to the client's
participation under this agreement.

Client understands and accepts that they are 100% responsible for their progress and results from the program.
Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake will help and guide the client, however participation is one vital element
to the program's success that relies solely on the client. Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake makes no
guarantees, representation, or warranties, verbally or in writing regarding the client's performance. Client
understands that because of the nature of the program and extent, the results experienced by each client may
significantly vary. By purchasing, client / participant acknowledges that there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and
there is no guarantee that the client will reach their goals as a result of participating in the program and
Pinegate Road LLC. / Kelsey Kerslake's opinions and comments about the outcome are expressions of opinion

By purchasing the client / participant is agreeing to these terms, both parties agree to the aforementioned terms and agreement
I agree